Peer-Review Process
Each submitted manuscript will undergo the following Anonymous Peer Review process with a minimum of 2 Reviewers (this include at least 1 external reviewer). Reviewer identity is not made visible to author, author identity visible to reviewer, reviewer and author identity is visible to (decision-making) editor.
- Submission and Initial Screening
- Submission: Authors submit their manuscripts through this journal OJS submission system.
- Initial Screening: The editorial team performs an initial review to check for adherence to submission guidelines, relevance, and originality. Manuscripts that do not meet the criteria are returned to authors for revision or rejection.
- Assignment to Reviewers
- Reviewer Selection: Suitable experts were selected based on their expertise and relevance to the topic of the manuscript and will not be from the same institution as the author. This selection process aims to ensure an unbiased and thorough review.
- Review Process
- Review Invitations: Selected reviewers are invited to evaluate the manuscript. They are given a specified time frame to complete their review.
- Reviewer Assessment: Reviewers assess the manuscript based on criteria such as originality, significance, methodology, clarity, and adherence to ethical standards. They provide detailed feedback and recommendations for revision, acceptance, or rejection.
- Reviewer Comments: Reviewers submit their comments and recommendations to the editorial team. The feedback can include suggestions for improving the manuscript, identifying any potential issues, or noting any required revisions.
- Editorial Decision
- Decision Making: The editorial team, including the Editor-in-Chief and other editors, reviews the feedback from the reviewers. They make a decision based on the reviewers’ recommendations.
- Decision Outcomes: Possible decisions include:
- Accept: Manuscript is accepted as is or with minor revisions.
- Revisions Required: Authors are asked to revise the manuscript based on reviewer comments and resubmit for further review.
- Reject: Manuscript is rejected if it does not meet the journal’s standards or if significant issues cannot be resolved.
- Final Decision and Publication
- Final Decision: After reviewing the revised manuscript and any additional feedback, the editorial team makes a final decision on whether to accept the manuscript for publication.
- Publication: Accepted manuscripts are processed for publication, including formatting and final proofreading. Authors are notified of the publication schedule and any final adjustments.