Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Focus Journal Language Review

					View Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Focus Journal Language Review
Published: 2024-12-09


  • A Syntactic and Morphological Analysis of “A Poem with Your Name”

    Kadek Handini Putri, Putu Indri Cahyani

    DOI : https://doi.org/10.62795/fjlg.v2i2.296

    The purpose of this research is to examine the syntactic structures and morphological choices in “A Poem with Your Name,” specifically how these language components contribute to the poem’s emotional and artistic impact. The research aims to discover how language develops meaning and provokes emotions in poetry literature by focusing on syntax (sentence patterns) and morphology (word structures). The poem “A Poem with Your Name” provided the basis for this study’s data. The poem was evaluated qualitatively, with an emphasis on syntactic patterns like sentence complexity and inversions, as well as morphological aspects like derivations and compound words. The fundamental methodology consists of attentive reading and linguistic analysis, which are supported by frameworks from Chomsky’s syntactic theory and Jakobson’s poetic function. These results suggest that the way syntax and morphology interact is essential to the poem’s overall effect and offer new perspectives on how linguistic features influence literary meaning. Students and scholars in both linguistics and literature may find this study helpful as it highlights the need of applying linguistic frameworks to literary texts.

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  • Describing Injustice: Adverbs in “To Kill a Mockingbird”

    I Gede Madriana, I Made Juliarta

    DOI : https://doi.org/10.62795/fjlg.v2i2.292

    This study seeks to explore the use of adverbs of manner in Harper Lee's “To Kill a Mockingbird” in an attempt to understand their role in forming the narrative and stylistic effects of the novel. The data source is the first edition of the novel, Lee, 1960. A chapter purposively sampled from the beginning, middle, and the end of the book was selected for analysis. Identification and subsequent classification of all the adverb manner instances in these chapters by their semantic categories and syntactic positions were carried out. The analysis showed that Lee used many adverbs of manner (N =127), with Adverbs of Degree being the most frequent category followed by a very diverse range of other adverbs. The most frequent position of adverbs of manner was pre-verb. These findings suggest that Lee uses adverbs of manner purposefully to contribute to character development, atmosphere, and the exploration of key themes in the novel. The present study offers an insight into stylistic effects created by the adverbs of manner in the literary text and has implications for language teaching and literary analysis.

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  • The Impact of Social Media on Language Use Among Teenagers

    Sefrianus Rianto, I Made Juliarta

    DOI : https://doi.org/10.62795/fjlg.v2i2.297

    The digital era, marked by rapid advancements in information and communication technology, has brought significant changes to various aspects of human life, including communication. Social media has become an integral part of teenagers' lives, influencing the way they interact, obtain information, and express themselves. This study aims to analyze the impact of social media on the changes in language use among teenagers. Using a qualitative research method, the study seeks to explore in-depth how social media shapes language use among teenagers. Through social media content analysis and in-depth interviews, the research finds that social media has triggered the emergence of slang, abbreviations, and unique emojis. This language use not only reflects teenagers' social identities but also affects their formal language skills. Additionally, social media influences the way teenagers think and communicate. Exposure to various types of texts and language styles on social media can enrich their vocabulary and improve their language skills. On the other hand, excessive exposure to inaccurate information or harsh language can negatively impact teenagers' critical thinking skills and their ability to evaluate information.

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  • The Influence of Language on Interaction and Communication Within Social Media Platforms

    Nuryati Nani

    DOI : https://doi.org/10.62795/fjlg.v2i2.295

    This study examines the influence of language on interaction and communication within social media platforms. Language, as a primary tool for conveying messages, plays a crucial role in shaping digital identities, building social relationships, and influencing how information is perceived by users. In this context, language not only serves as a medium for communication but also acts as a bridge for culture, social norms, and self-expression. The research identifies various linguistic phenomena that emerge on social media, such as the use of slang, colloquial expressions, code-switching, and their impact on effective communication. The findings suggest that language on social media tends to be more informal, flexible, and adaptive, creating space for the development of new linguistic forms and influencing communication patterns in everyday life. In conclusion, language on social media not only reflects social and cultural evolution but also plays a significant role in shaping the dynamics of digital communication in the modern era.

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  • Language Contact Phenomena: A Case Study of Indonesian-English Code-Switching in Social Media Communication Language Contact Phenomena: A Case Study of Indonesian-English Code-Switching in Social Media Communication

    Muhammad Adha Manuhutu, Ananda Intan Rahmadani, I Putu Eka Suardana

    DOI : https://doi.org/10.62795/fjlg.v2i2.291

    This study examines the phenomenon of Indonesian-English code-switching in social media communication, focusing on patterns, motivations, and sociolinguistic implications. Through analysis of social media posts across multiple platforms, this research identifies common patterns of code-switching and explores how bilingual Indonesian speakers navigate between languages in digital spaces. The findings suggest that code- switching serves various pragmatic and social functions, reflecting both linguistic competence and cultural identity in the modern Indonesian digital landscape. This research investigates Indonesian-English code-switching in social media, emphasizing patterns, motivations, and sociolinguistic implications. By analyzing posts across diverse platforms, it identifies recurring linguistic patterns and uncovers how bilingual Indonesian speakers dynamically alternate between languages in digital contexts. This study examines Indonesian-English code-switching in social media communication, focusing on its patterns, motivations, and sociolinguistic implications. Through an analysis of posts across diverse platforms, it identifies recurring linguistic trends and explores how bilingual Indonesian speakers fluidly alternate between languages in digital contexts.

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