This volume consists of 5 articles with 7 authors from some Universities in Indonesia. They are Bali Dwipa University, ITB-STIKOM Bali and STBM Dua Sudara Bitung. The titles of the articles are Shift of Noun Phrase Found in Bilingual Text “Tales From Djakarta”, The Analysis of Maxims Found in the Novel “Never Go Back”, Borrowing in the Novel “The Good Earth’ and Its Translation Into “Bumi Yang Subur”, Case Study Analysis of the Cross Culture Research, Relative Clause and Its Translation Found in “The Good Earth”.
The translation is done by transferring form of the first language to the form of the second language using of semantic structure. It must be transferred and held constant and the form may change. But translation activities do not only deal with transferring language from one language to another language, but also deal with the most important thing, such as; message and meaning from source language to target language. This study analyzed about types of borrowing are found in the translation of The Good Earth into Bumi yang Subur. The library research method and field research method used in this study. The description of the method can be seen in the following explanations. This study used library research. In this type of research, the location is very flexible. The research was done every where as long as the place supports the main facility needed such as books and computer. Types of borrowing found in the data source are pure borrowing, naturalized borrowing and cultural borrowing.
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The analysis is based on three hypotheses which is not correlated one other. There are three hypothesis used in this research. The first one is the economic explanation, the second one is cultural values, and the last one is cognitive explanation. The first hypothesis (economic explanation) is not reliable if we combine to the third hypothesis (cognitive explanation) because those theories overlap each other. Theory of economic explanation mentions that there is a positive relationship between the economic health of cities and helping people. It means that the healthier of the economic condition in one city would affect the positively in the behavior of the people in helping the other people. So, we would expect that the rich city which has an excellent economic condition would have a tendency in helping the others. Meanwhile the theory of cognitive explanation mentions that the people in the country which have a high walking speed would tend not to help the others since everybody is busy with their own business and have a lack of time to help the people in the street.
Abstract : 147 views
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This research study focuses on English relative clauses and its translations into Indonesian found in the story entitled “The Good Earth”. This study aims to: (i) analyze the types of relative clauses found in the data source, (ii) analyze the types of translation in the translation process from source language into target language. The research study applied the theory of relative clauses proposed by Quirk (1985), Sneddon (1996) and the theory of translation shift which was proposed by Catford (1965). The process of collecting data is started by reading the entire data source in order to understand the story and observe the possibility of the data source which could be taken from the data source. The data source was read to find out the types of English relative clauses which were found in the story in the method and technique of collecting the data. The research study found that one type of English relative clauses was found in the story entitled “The Good Earth”. It was the type of Restrictive relative clause found in the novel entitled “The Good Earth”. First, it can be seen that the types of English relative clauses found in the data sources are called as restrictive relative clause as subject, restrictive relative clause as object, restrictive relative clause as prepositional object, non-restrictive relative clause as subject, and non-restrictive relative clause as object. Secondly, there are two types of translation strategies used in translating from source language into target language.
Abstract : 347 views
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This study aims to analyze the shift of noun phrase implemented in bilingual text “Tales from Djakarta” and their translation. This study used the theory that is proposed by Catford (1965) which divided the shift in translation into two major types, which is level shift and category shift. This study used descriptive qualitative method to analyze the data found in the story “Tales from Djakarta”. The analyzed was started with the types of shifts in translation found in the data source. The findings indicate that there are two types of shifts in translation of noun phrase found in the story “Tales from Djakarta”. They are structure shift and category shift.
Abstract : 150 views
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The novel Never Go Back is a best selling novel written by Lee Child. He is one of the world’s leading thriller writers. The novel is sold somewhere in the world every twenty seconds. The second Jack Reacher film starring Tom Cruise, based on this novel, is out in October 2016. It consistently achieves the number-one slot in hardback and paperback on bestseller lists on both sides of the Atlantic, and is published in over one hundred territories. He is the recipient of many prizes, most recently the CWA’s Diamond Dagger for writer of an outstanding body of crime fiction. He was born in Coventry, brought up in Birmingham, and now lives in New York. The uses of maxims are found in a number of utterances of the novel. The aim of the research is to analyze the uses of those ones in the novel’s utterances. They are maxim of quality, maxim of quantity, maxim of relation, and maxim of manner. The research method used in the research is qualitative method. According to Grice in Leech (1983: 7-8), there is a general assumption underpinning all utterances interpretations. The interpretation is guided by a cooperative principle, in which a speaker and a hearer are engaged in some shared goals. Then, the elements of those cooperative principles are called maxims. There are four kinds of maxims. Firstly, maxim of quality, it is meant that do not say what you believe to be false. You are not expected to say lack adequate evidence. Secondly, maxim of quantity, it requires your contribution as informative as is required. Thirdly, maxim of relation, it requires your contribution to be relevant. Fourthly, maxim of manner, it is meant that your contribution must be perspicuous and brief. It also avoids obscurity of expression and ambiguity. The aim of the study is: (i) to find out maxims in the novel, (ii) to classify the maxims, (iii) to analyze the kinds of each maxim.
Abstract : 274 views
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