Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): December 2021

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This volume consists of 5 articles with 8 authors from some Universities in Indonesia. They are Bali Dwipa University, Mahasaraswati University, ITB-STIKOM Bali and Ngurah Rai University. The titles of the articles are Implementing Flipped Learning Through Zoom and Google Classroom in University in Bali During Covid-19 Pandemic, Nominal Ellipsis in the Story of “The Boyhood of Ronggowarsito”, The Analysis of Imperative in the Bilingual Text Called Aluminium Cylinder AMSCUD With K-Valve ProYoke/Din (Output Connection), The Mapping of Action Verbs In ‘Pelukis’ Translated Into “Paniter”, The Relative Clause and Its Translation Found In The “Houseboy and Maid”.

Published: 2021-12-13


  • The Analysis of Imperative inThe Bilingual Text Called Aluminum Cylinder AMSCUD with K-valve ProYoke/Din (Output connection)

    Ririn Tasumbey

    DOI : https://doi.org/10.62795/fjlg.v1i1.14

    There are lots definitions of linguistics, such as according to Webster (1981), linguistics is the study of human speech including the units, nature, structure, and modification of language. Wardhaugh (1973) stated that linguistics is the scientific study of language. The two definitions of these linguists clearly explain us that linguistics is basically related to language. In conducting this research the writer collect some sources, which are related to the topic she has chosen. There are two kinds on sources used, primary and secondary sources. The primary source is taken from the bilingual text; the source text and target language. The secondary source consists of facts, and opinion outside the word itself, such as dictionary, internet, encyclopedia, books, etc.

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    Dewa Made Agustawan

    DOI : https://doi.org/10.62795/fjlg.v1i1.11

    This research focus on the translation of action verbs applying the Natural Semantic Metalanguge (NSM) approach proposed by Wierzbicka (1996), in case where the source language is Indonesia and the target language is English. Meanwhile, descriptive qualitative approach was applied in which the data were analyzed by explaining descriptively in paraphrases. Initially, the action verbs were identified in both source language (SL) text and target language (TL) text. Then, the meanings of the action verbs were mapped comprehensively into English by adopting exponential mapping technique and explication. The action verbs are derived from the small collection of semantic primitive 'DO' which is categorized as the prototypical concept of ACTION; DO, HAPPEN, MOVE, PUT, and GO.

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    I Made Juliarta

    DOI : https://doi.org/10.62795/fjlg.v1i1.2

    This research study focuses on English relative clauses and their translations into Indonesian found in the “Houseboy and Maid”. This study aims at finding out the types of English relative clauses found in the story “Houseboy and Maid” and the types of shifts occured in the translation process. The analysis used the theory of relative clauses that is proposed by Quirk (1985), Sneddon (1996) and the theory of translation shift proposed by Catford (1965). The process of collecting data is started by reading the entire data source in order to understand the story and observe the possibility of the data source that can be taken from the story “Houseboy and Maid”. The method of collecting data is firstly, the data source is  read to find out the types of English relative clauses. This research study indicates that there are two types of English relative clauses found in the story “Houseboy and Maid”, they are: Restrictive relative clause and non-restrictive relative clause. There are some types of relative clauses found in the data source. First, it can be seen that the types of English relative clauses found in the data sources are restrictive relative clause as subject, restrictive relative clause as object, restrictive relative clause as prepositional object, non-restrictive relative clause as subject, and non-restrictive relative clause as object. Secondly, the types of translation shifts that are found in the novel are as follows: structure shifts, level shifts, and unit shifts. This study intends to: (i) analyze the types of relative clauses and its constituent structure found in the data source, (ii) analyze the types of translation shifts of relative clause in the translation process from source language into target language.

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    Gede Irwandika, Ni Made Verayanti Utami, Ni Nyoman Deni Ariyaningsih, Gede Dharma Arya Wicaksana

    DOI : https://doi.org/10.62795/fjlg.v1i1.12

    Covid-19 Pandemic brought many changes of human life, including education. This study aimed to describe the implementation flipped learning through Zoom and Google Classroom in University in Bali during Covid-19 pandemic.This study was an descriptive study which was conducted in one of the universities in Bali in academic year 2019/2020 by using two research instruments, namely observation and interview. The result showed google Classroom was optimized in giving instruction or materials to the students via comment to make the instruction became accessible to all students. Then, Zoom meeting was used for class discussion after learning at home from instruction on Google Classroom. Some problems were occurred such as internet connection and limited non-verbal responses. However, In teacher’s perspective, flipped learning is really helpful because the teacher just need to give the material and instruction to students at home in Google Classroom and then at class discussion on Zoom, the teacher just need to act as facilitator.

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    Putu Eka Suardana

    DOI : https://doi.org/10.62795/fjlg.v1i1.8

    This study entitled Nominal Ellipsis in the Story of “The Boyhood of Ronggowarsito” aimed at analyzing and classifying the classification of the kinds of nominal ellipsis in English textbooks particularly in each text. The primary data was taken from the English textbooks: The Boyhood of Ronggowarsito (1991).The main theory used in this study was taken from a book entitled Cohesion in English (1975) by M.A.K Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan. They stated that ellipsis is the omission of an item of a sentence on the assumption which an earlier sentence will make the meaning clear. They classify ellipsis into three types: nominal ellipsis, verbal ellipsis and clausal ellipsis. The required data were classified and analyzed based on the classification of nominal ellipsis. Nominal ellipsis consisted of the elements of deictic, numerative, epithet, classifier and qualifier and also the head. Nominal ellipsis consisted of modal element and propositional element. The findings showed that the type of nominal ellipsis must be the common noun and not proper noun or pronoun expressing the thing. The common noun created the functions of the element of deictic, numerative, epithet and classifier and these elements can function as head under certain circumstances.

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