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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Nutrition Journal of Bali Dwipa University is a publication media related to with field technology and health in education, research and community service society. Type accepted manuscript​ can in the form of results study or original research (prioritized), literature reviews, and case reports that have not been published Once published. The articles published in journal related with development technology and health at regional and national levels.


  1. The article is typed on A4 paper (21 x 29.7 cm) with normal margins in Microsoft Word version, namely limit top , bottom , left , and right (1 inch ).
  2. Article written use type Times New Roman font with 1 space .
  3. Total pages 6-10 no including bibliography .​
  4. Script follow the template format that has been provided .



Title must reflect Contents written article ( not​ more of 15 words). Title article is factor important For interesting attention readers . Therefore that , select informative and interesting title .​


Author's name written complete and incomplete abbreviated . Degree academic does not need listed. Affiliation written based on hierarchy: department / study program, university/ institution, city, country, email address. Writing Affiliation must consistent between writer in article . If the article written by more from One writer , then Name the author who became corresponding author given sign (*).


Abstract is written short and concise but explain overall idea about what was done, what was found, and the main conclusion. Abstract containing description short about background behind problem, objectives, methods, results and conclusions. Abstract is written in Indonesian and English with minimum (200 words) and maximum (250 words) word count.


Moment choose the right keywords, imagine​ currently look for articles on the machine search engines. Keywords can in the form of words and phrases that reflect concepts important in article. Minimum number of keywords is 3 and the maximum is 5 keywords .


Paragraph beginning , started with statement general related​ with Topic article . Paragraph next made more specific with explain state of the art from problem on topic article . End paragraph with statement problem general and statements supporters .

Paragraph middle , write appropriate references​ as a process of identification and its contribution in breakdown problem . Use up to date and relevant references as innovation and contribution articles created .​

Paragraph end , introduction ended with emphasize specific contribution​ from article .


Method must explain in a way complete about type research , procedure taking sample , measurement variables , techniques data collection , and techniques data analysis .


This section serve results data analysis consisting of on statistics descriptive , testing hypothesis , discussion results , and generalizations results findings . This section contain component following .

  1. Findings study served in form Tables /Figures/ Graphs .
  2. Findings scientific under review based on appropriate theory​ with his field .
  3. Findings in the study previously can used For to study discussion . The study is adjusted with background behind problem , formulation problems , and hypotheses research ( if There is ).


Conclusion made For answer problem / goal / hypothesis research ( if there is ). Conclusion made in form statement For state importance findings and their implications .


Saying Thank You given to the people who contributed to the research . Also include the funders (sponsors) who contributed to the research . Do not need to list saying Thank You to member writer .


This section load sources the only reference used in script only . Use the bibliography latest and relevant in accordance with research on the article . References that can be used that is 10 years final .


Table or picture must made with use the right application / computer so that the quality in accordance so that easy understood . Description table or picture must in accordance with rules writing scientific ( mention) source If use picture from source ). The formula must in accordance standard and adjust with a template ( eg. use LaTex ).


In general writing symbol use symbol standards in data processing ( Insert àSymbol in Microsoft Word ) . All type formula written use Mathematical Equation .


Writing reference follow Harvard Style that is Name author and year publication must written . Writing citation in the script must be at the beginning or end sentences . There are two type writing quote namely : ( Author , Year ) and Author ( Year ). The quotations given must still refers to the essence library and not cause ambiguity . Here are some examples quote is as following :

  1. One source quote with One author ( Grandjean , 2007).
  2. One source quote with two author ( Mindhayani and Purnomo, 2016) or Mindhayani and Purnomo (2016)
  3. One source quote with more from two author ( Adiputra et al., 2010) or Adiputra et al. (2010).
  4. Two quote with different authors ( Sucipta , 2014; Sutjana , 2016 ) .
  5. Two quote with same author​ Can written become One name (Agung, 2012, 2013 if publication in the same year ( Agung, 2012a, 2012b).
  6. Source quote from​ from work an institution must mention acronym from agency related for example (IAI, 2011).

Writing reference recommended use Mendeley application ( Use Harvard Style ). References of at least 80% of publication in period 10 years time last . Example Reference with Mendeley is as following .

Abd-Ellatif, E. et al. (2021) 'Fear of COVID-19 and Its Impact on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention Among Egyptian Physicians', Safety and Health at Work , 12(4), pp. 490–495. doi: 10.1016/

Adiba, W. ., Kadiyono, A. . and Hanami, Y. (2021) 'Cyberloafing, Good or Bad?: Exploratory Case Study of Employees During the Covid-19 Pandemic', Journal of Personnel, Financial, Operational, Marketing, and Information Systems , 28(2), pp. 52–61.

Sutajaya, I. . et al. (2021) 'Socio-Cultural Ergonomic-Oriented Nyangling Increases Public Understanding of Water Resources and Health Conservation', in Proceeding Senadimas Undiksha , p. 215.

Sutajaya, I. ., Arnita, NP . and Devi, NLPM . (2022) Socio-Cultural Ergonomics . 1st edn. Yogyakarta: Suluh Media.

Kenton, W. 2018. Financial Literacy. Retrieved January 15, 2019, from


The script that has been fulfil instruction writing journal ( use Microsoft Word format) can be sent to:

  1. Online Submission System on the e-journal portal: Journal Technology and Health ( journal link ) after carry out the registration process as Author .
  2. Via e-mail Journal Editorial Technology and Health (e-mail)


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